Lake Tahoe, CA/NV – Lake Tahoe boat ramps and marinas still have some work ahead to begin launching local boats this year, but with the announcement today from the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA), there will be a phased approach to boating this year that meets the guidance from state and local officials. The phased plan discourages out-of-area visitation in the early part of the season while allowing boats with an intact AIS inspection seal from their last haul out from Lake Tahoe to start getting on the water.
No visiting boats from out of the region, known as “Tahoe In & Out” vessels, can launch until public health orders are further relaxed and watercraft inspection stations open.
Marinas and ramps are not expected to open right away because of the groundwork needed before they request Tahoe Only stickers from TRPA. Watercraft agencies will update the Ready to Launch page as a resource for information about what launch sites are open and potential dates for openings. Boaters have already demonstrated patience in waiting for this announcement, and are further being asked to limit calls as much as feasible to marinas and launch sites for status updates as their staff will be occupied with getting open.
Some marinas and buoy fields will begin filling up immediately as boats are moved from dry storage to the water, which is standard practice to prepare for the boating season. They are not to be operated until a Tahoe Only sticker is purchased. Some marinas report they have several weeks of catchup to get ready for opening after state shelter-in-place orders that began in March.
A Lake Tahoe invasive species seal shows that a boat does not need to be inspected or decontaminated to prevent an introduction of harmful invasive species. Inspection stations for AIS remain closed under COVID-19 orders. Owners of Tahoe In & Out vessels visit other waterbodies during the boating year and approximately 85 percent of them are from outside the Tahoe Basin. These boats will be considered to launch in future phases after health orders are further relaxed.
Agencies remind boaters to practice safe physical distancing from others outside of their household and to follow local and state health guidelines to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Boaters should also stay informed of recreation area closure orders and guidelines when coming ashore. For more information on when various marinas and launch sites will open, consistent with state and local COVID orders, visit the Ready to Launch page.
The Lake Tahoe Aquatic Invasive Species Program is implemented by 40 public and private partner organizations, including federal, state, and local jurisdictions, research partners, public utility districts, and private marinas. The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and the Tahoe Resource Conservation District lead the program in collaboration with the public and private partners. The program’s mission is to prevent, detect, and control aquatic invasive species in the Region so that future generations can enjoy Lake Tahoe. For additional information, contact Jeff Cowen, TRPA Public Information Officer, at 775-589-5278.
Information we can offer at this time:
The plan for Tahoe Only stickers has recently changed. TRPA will not be distributing the stickers on May 15th at this time. In the meantime, the agency has asked the Marina to continue to work on a safety plan for reopening in anticipation of receiving the stickers. We can assure you that we are working diligently on the guidance document for marina operations.
We plan to open the Marina as soon as possible according to local government guidelines.
We are currently placing boats on Sunnyside buoys to perform lake tests only and for storage. Boating is not allowed until we receive the Tahoe Only stickers.
We are repairing the Marina docks from the Winter storm and placing those back into the harbor. This project should be completed within the next two weeks.
Tender service will not be provided until the Marina opens. The buoy row boat will be available. However, owners who choose to access their boats on buoys assume all liability and risk.
If you are a winter storage member, we encourage you to consider having us deliver your boat to your summer storage location (your buoy or slip). Boats will be fully sanitized after delivery (see below for information). Please email our office if you would like information on this service ( We are required to regulate winter storage boat pick-ups and at this time do not anticipate having the marina open Memorial Day weekend. So if you want to pick up your boat, please email your desired pick-up date and we will attempt to accommodate your request.
A health and safety plan has been created in conjunction with the other local Tahoe marinas. It outlines the various procedures we will be incorporating to ensure best practices are implemented for social distancing, sanitization, gas dock, etc. We will share this plan with our members in the next week.
Although you may drive by and the Marina appears busy, we remain closed to the general public and customers. We kindly ask that you not stop by the Marina to engage with staff about your boating needs, until the health orders are further relaxed. General public inside the Marina may jeopardize Sunnyside’s boating future for this season.
If you did not submit a requested date for your boat to be ready with your Activation information, please email us your requested date.
Should you have any other questions, the best way to contact us HERE.
Thank you for your patience, Sunnyside Marina 530-583-7201
*Due to Covid-19, we currently have limited office and phone hours. You may still call or email with any questions and we will respond to you as soon as possible.
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